File a 2024 Non-Resident Personal Income Tax Return

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Terms and Conditions


Welcome to the Delaware Division of Revenue (“DOR”) Tax Portal (the “Portal” or “this service”).  Your privacy is important. Please carefully review the Terms of Use (“TOU”) before using the Portal. These TOU establish a binding agreement that governs use of this service and together with the DOR Privacy Policy and DOR Data Policy (together, "Terms"), govern your use of this service. By using this service, you (the “User”) agree to be bound by these Terms. Persons that do not agree to be bound by Terms may not use this service. The following policies apply only to the use of the Portal.


The State of Delaware (“State”) and DOR are committed to respecting Users’ privacy and security. Unless federal or state law authorizes disclosure, information provided by User through the Portal, including personally identifiable information (“PII”) or State Tax Information (“STI”), shall remain confidential. Confidential information shall not be disclosed except as permitted pursuant to applicable Delaware law. 

Use by Taxpayers in Good Standing

The Portal is intended to be used by taxpayers in good standing. If the renewal or issuance of any permit, license or other state tax document has been suspended or denied by DOR, the use of the Portal to circumvent that suspension or denial constitutes intentional misuse of the Portal. Any permit, license or other state tax document procured through the Portal contrary to law is invalid and does not bind the State.


Disclaimer of Liability

Neither DOR nor any of its employees or agents will be liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described or contained in the Portal. Neither DOR nor any of its employees or agents assume responsibility for anyone's use of such information. In no event will DOR or any DOR employees or agents be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement or substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this system, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, including but not limited to those caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tortuous behavior, negligence or under any other cause of action.

Disclaimer for External Link

As User navigates the Portal, the User may see links that, when clicked, may take User to websites external to DOR and the State (“Third-Party websites”). Third-Party websites have individual privacy policies tailored to the interactions available through each website. DOR is not responsible for the contents of any Third-Party website, to include off-site pages referenced therein. User specifically acknowledges that DOR is not liable for the defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of any off-site pages and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with User. Links from the Portal to Third-Party websites do not constitute an endorsement by DOR or the State. Links to Third-Party websites are provided as an information service only and it is User’s responsibility of User to evaluate such content.  DOR is not responsible for the availability or content of Third-Party websites and User should direct any concerns regarding Third-Party websites to the site administrator or webmaster of such websites.

Third Party Payment Services

While using this service the handling of payment convenience fees included in any transaction is being paid to a third-party vendor not DOR. This handling includes the third-party vendor’s right to electronically debit a service charge, if applicable, for processing of Insufficient Funds or Closed Account transactions from the designated bank account in addition to any charges the taxpayer’s bank may assess.

Information transmitted via this service

Neither DOR nor any of its employees or agents are responsible for:

a. The accuracy, veracity and completeness of material transmitted;

b. Error in the manner of the input of material transmitted; and

c. Any information lost as a result of equipment, power failures, connectivity issues, or servers terminating a Portal session due to prolonged periods of inactivity.

Acting for another person

By utilizing the Portal to access, transmit data, or carry out a transaction as an agent or representative of an individual, estate, trust, business, organization or agency, User understands and acknowledges that:

a. User must be currently appointed by such individual, estate, trust, business, organization or agency to access that data or carry out that transaction on their behalf, and that appointment must not have been revoked.

b. If User’s appointment is based on User holding a certain position (for example, as a personal representative holding a valid Power of Attorney or an employee or agent of taxpayer for tax purposes), User must currently hold that position.

c. If that appointment is based on User holding a certain qualification (for example, as a registered tax agent of paid tax-preparer), User must currently hold that qualification and that qualification must not currently be suspended or cancelled.

Privacy Protection

DOR and the State are committed to respecting Users’ privacy and security. Please see DOR Privacy Policy for further information about browsing, security, E-mail use, cookies and more.

Data Policy

By using data made available through the Portal, User agrees to all the conditions stated in the DOR Data Policy.

Modification or Termination of Service

DOR reserves the right at any time, and from time-to-time, to modify, discontinue, suspend or terminate access to the Portal and to modify these TOU by posting notice on this website or sending notice to any contact point listed in your user information. DOR will not be liable for any such modification, discontinuation, suspension or termination. User can review the most current version of the TOU on our website at any time.

Acceptance of Terms of Use

You may accept and agree to these TOU of the Portal on behalf of another individual, estate, trust, business, organization, agency or yourself by checking "I Agree" below. By checking the "I Agree" Box below you affirm that you have read these TOU,  has the authority to agree to these TOU on behalf of another individual, estate, trust, business, organization, agency,  or yourself and that the other individual, estate, trust, business, organization, agency, or yourself will be bound by these TOU. Before you check the "I Agree" box, please carefully read the terms and conditions contained in this TOU.